Speaker Biography

Sangamithra Gandra





Background: Primary headache disorders are among the most common pain syndromes affecting people worldwide. Migraine is the most common among these  primary headache disorders. The objective of this study is to analyse the clinical profile and the most common triggers of migraine in the study population in a tertiary care teaching hospital.

Methods: About 100 patients who presented with history suggestive of migraine with or without aura defined according to International classification of headache disorders 3, fulfilling the study criteria were included. Endogenous and exogenous migraine triggers were inquired using a questionnaire. Severity of migraine,associated symptoms, and functional disability were recorded. The study duration was twelve months from November 2018 to October 2019. Details were collected using a proforma.

Results: In this study, incidence of Migraine is higher in females (72%) than males (28%). Majority of migraine patients were between age group of 18-29 years constituting  about  64%  patients. Frequency of migraine more commonly observed was 3-4 per month(observed in 63%) and chronic migraine was seen in 19% patients . Migraine without aura is the most common type observed in this study. Many patients had more than one trigger. More common triggers identified were stress(38%), sun exposure (36%), sleep deprivation (36%), food habits(31%) and travel (30%).

Conclusions: Migraine is more common in females than males with majority being in between age group of 18-29 years. Many had frequency of 3-4 episodes per month. Most had more than one trigger